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I always had a certain fascination about the kitchen, that magical place where raw ingredients are turned into delicious dishes. As a child, I wanted to know how my favorite dishes were made and wanted to take a hands-on approach to make them. I remember my family, and relatives together making delicious pamonhas (a Brazilian dish, similar to tamales). While each person helped, I was tasked with the job of helping to remove husks from the corn. However, it was not always like this. I often stayed away from the kitchen for fear that I could burn or cut myself, and would always hear that the kitchen was not a place for a child. I'm not a kid anymore, but this thought is still very common in our society. Do you think that the kitchen is a place for kids?

Believe me, cooking in the kitchen can and should be a place for a child. If you are still in doubt, take a look at MasterChef Junior, the children put some adults to shame by showing their culinary skills.

Encourage your children to go into the kitchen and cook, it can generate pleasant memories for both you and your child. This a fantastic environment to help explore and play with various skills, whether mathematical, cultural, or even to increase your own and your child's vocabulary. In addition, you can teach notions of hygiene and the consumption of healthy foods.

During my time in school, I had the opportunity to promote a cooking workshop with children from 4 to 5 years old. At the time, the children were tasked with making a sandwich. After they completed the sandwich, I explained the nutritional benefits of each ingredient they chose. This was a rewarding morning, the kids loved the class, and showed that they learned a bit about healthy eating by taking a small quiz afterwards. Weeks later we heard from teachers that parents praised the activity and that their sons and daughters were eating better. This simple activity, showed that children can better understand the importance of healthy eating with a little encouragement, and can explore new flavors while having fun in the kitchen.

Here's some tips for you to help your child become acclimated with the kitchen:

-Always be vigilant

-Don't let your children use knives, the stove or the oven without supervising them. - Let your child help with preparing the ingredients. - Choose simple and quick preparations to maintain the child's attention. - Separate the ingredients beforehand and let your child cut the ingredients into portions.

Use your imagination to assemble colorful and fun dishes. Let your inner child seize this moment with your little one, and remember to have fun!


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